Referencing the book Materializing color, Journeys with Giulio Ridolfo, this series of workshops focuses on objects reminiscent of our childhood and their evolution in function and meaning over time. The idea is to reveal glimpses of our past and present that take shape in various material and color assemblages.
This series of workshops found inspiration in the connection between often overlooked but commonly found objects and color with those in our collections. It emphasizes construction techniques – how things are made – the materials and the sum of their parts. The idea is to deliberate over how we are going to proceed towards materials that shape the future.
This series provides a platform to exchange insights on historical and contemporary ideas at the intersection of design, architecture and the rapidly evolving work environment. The focus is on following the research and development that goes behind new product launches, as well as sustainability efforts carried out by the brands we concentrate on.
Drawing from the concept of RE-visiting an idea, an approach or a material, this series of workshops focuses on material and cultural memory by examining and engaging in the meaning behind objects that have been passed on to us as well as objects that surround us. The idea is to evoke a sense of warmth and comfort.